Friday 21 April 2023

Talk about the occasion when you gave someone a gift. Please tell me: What the gift was How you chose it Explain how he/she reacted

 Talk about the occasion when you gave someone a gift. Please tell me:

  • What the gift was
  • How you chose it
  • Explain how he/she reacted

The occasion when I gave someone a gift that comes to my mind was when I gifted my best friend a book on his birthday. The book was "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho, which is one of my favourite books.

I chose this book for him because I knew he was an avid reader and I thought he would enjoy reading it. Also, the book is about following your dreams and discovering your own path in life, which I thought would be a perfect gift for his birthday.

When he received the gift, he was pleasantly surprised and grateful. He had heard a lot about the book but had never read it before, so he was excited to read it. A few days later, he told me that he had finished reading it and that he loved it. He also mentioned that he appreciated the thought I put into choosing the gift for him.

Overall, I felt happy and satisfied that I was able to give him a gift that he enjoyed and appreciated. It was a small gesture, but it strengthened our friendship, and it felt good to make him happy on his special day.

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