Saturday 22 April 2023

Describe a happy event you organized. You should say: what the event was when you had it who helped you to organize it and explain how you feel about it.

 Describe a happy event you organized. You should say:

  • what the event was
  • when you had it
  • who helped you to organize it
  • and explain how you feel about it.

One happy event that I organized was a surprise birthday party for my best friend. It was her 25th birthday, and I wanted to make it a memorable day for her.

I planned the event about a month before the actual date, and I invited her close friends and family to join the celebration. I chose a venue which was one of her favorite restaurants and reserved a private area to create a more intimate atmosphere.

I contacted her friends and family, asking them to bring their favorite dishes for a potluck-style party. I also decorated the venue with balloons and a birthday banner.

On the day of the event, I asked her to meet me at the restaurant for a casual lunch. When we arrived, she was surprised to see all of her loved ones waiting for her. She was speechless for a moment, but then she broke into a smile and a few happy tears.

Everyone enjoyed the delicious food, and we had a great time chatting, laughing, and celebrating my friend's milestone birthday. It was a fulfilling experience to see my friend happy, and I felt proud of myself for organizing such a successful event.

In the end, the birthday girl said she had never expected such a surprise, and she appreciated the effort and love we put into the celebration. It was a happy memory that we all cherish till today.

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