Monday 29 May 2023

Talk about advice you received from someone that was very helpful. Please say What was the advice? Who gave it to you? Why was it helpful?

 Talk about advice you received from someone that was very helpful. Please say

  • What was the advice?
  • Who gave it to you?
  • Why was it helpful?

One of the best pieces of advice I received was from my grandmother. She told me, "Don't wait for opportunities, create them." It was a simple yet powerful statement that has stuck with me throughout my life.

My grandmother was a successful businesswoman who started her own company at a time when few women were doing so. She faced many challenges and obstacles, but she always persevered and found a way to make things happen.

When I was feeling frustrated about my career and unsure of what to do next, my grandmother's advice came to mind. I realized that I needed to take action and create my own opportunities rather than waiting for them to come to me.

Thanks to her advice, I was able to take charge of my career and make things happen for myself. I started networking more, looking for new job opportunities, and taking on new challenges.

Overall, I'm grateful for the advice my grandmother gave me. It helped me to develop a proactive mindset and take control of my life.

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