Saturday 25 March 2023

Talk about something healthy you enjoy doing. Please tell me: what you do where you do it who you do it with

 Talk about something healthy you enjoy doing. Please tell me:  what you do where you do it who you do it with.

Here's a possible 9-band IELTS speaking answer for the prompt "Talk about something healthy you enjoy doing":

I find that running in the morning is a great way to start my day and it's an activity that I really enjoy. I usually go for a run a few times a week, and I like to do it in the nearby park where there are plenty of trees and fresh air. I feel like it's a healthy way to get my heart pumping and my blood flowing.

I prefer to run alone because it gives me some quiet time to clear my mind and focus on my thoughts. However, occasionally I will run with a friend or a family member and we'll chat as we run, which is a nice way to catch up with them and get some exercise at the same time.

Overall, I think running is a great way to stay healthy both physically and mentally. It's an activity that I really enjoy and I always feel great after a good run.

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