Friday 24 March 2023

Talk about a friend who played an important role in your life. You should say: How you met this person How long have you know him/her What do you do or did together

  Talk about a friend who played an important role in your life. You should say:

    • How you met this person
    • How long have you know him/her
    • What do you do or did together

I'd like to talk about a friend who has played an important role in my life. Her name is Sarah and we met in college about six years ago. We were both taking the same class and had a lot of mutual friends, so it was easy to strike up a conversation and get to know each other.

Since then, we've been very close and have remained friends even after graduation. We both share a love for hiking and the outdoors, so we often go on hikes together on weekends. In fact, we've gone on several backpacking trips together and have explored many different parts of the country.

Sarah has been an important part of my life because she's always been there for me during difficult times. Whenever I'm feeling down or need someone to talk to, she's always there to listen and provide support. She's also been a great influence on me in terms of my fitness and health. I used to be a bit of a couch potato, but Sarah's love for the outdoors and staying active has rubbed off on me and inspired me to live a healthier lifestyle.

Overall, I'm really grateful to have Sarah as a friend and appreciate all the positive things she's brought into my life.

(Note: This answer is not an exact model answer and can vary based on personal experiences and preferences.)

I hope this helps!

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