Sunday 26 March 2023

Describe an important thing you learned (not at school or college). You should say: what it was when you learn it how you learned it and explain why it was important.

 Describe an important thing you learned (not at school or college). You should say:

      • what it was
      • when you learn it
      • how you learned it
      • and explain why it was important.

One of the most important things I learned was about the value of time. I learned this lesson during my gap year when I was traveling around Southeast Asia. It was in Laos, specifically, where I met a group of locals who had a very different approach to time than I did.

I had always been someone who was very focused on schedules and deadlines, but the people I met in Laos had a much more relaxed attitude towards time. They didn't rush through things or worry too much about being on time for appointments. Instead, they enjoyed every moment as it came, without feeling the need to be in a hurry all the time.

At first, I found this very frustrating, as I was used to always being on the go. But as I spent more time with them, I started to realize that there was something important to be learned from their perspective. I began to appreciate the value of taking things slow and enjoying the present moment, instead of always looking to the future.

I learned this lesson through a combination of observing the people around me and reflecting on my own habits and attitudes. It was a gradual process that took place over the course of several weeks, but it was one of the most valuable things I took away from my gap year.

This lesson has been important to me because it has helped me to be more mindful and present in my daily life. I am now better able to appreciate the little things and enjoy the journey, rather than constantly focusing on the destination. It has made me a happier and more well-rounded person, and I am grateful for the experience.

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