Friday 31 March 2023

Talk about food you tried but didn’t like. Please tell me: What it was Why you didn’t like it Whether you will try it again

 Talk about food you tried but didn’t like. Please tell me:

    • What it was
    • Why you didn’t like it
    • Whether you will try it again

One food that I tried but didn't like was sushi. I remember trying it for the first time at a Japanese restaurant with some friends. It was a special occasion, and everyone was excited to try something new. I ordered a salmon roll, which looked appealing with its bright pink color and delicate shape. However, when I took a bite, I was disappointed with the taste and texture.

The fish tasted too raw and slimy for my liking, and the seaweed wrap was too chewy. I also didn't enjoy the flavor of wasabi, which was served with the sushi. Overall, I found the experience unpleasant, and I couldn't finish the roll.

Despite not liking sushi, I appreciate the cultural significance it holds in Japanese cuisine. I understand that many people enjoy it and find it delicious, and I respect their preferences. However, I don't think I will try sushi again anytime soon, as I prefer other types of food that suit my taste buds better.

Thursday 30 March 2023

Describe a time when you received money as a gift. You should say: When it happened Who gave you money Why he/she gave you money And explain how you used the money

 Describe a time when you received money as a gift. You should say:

    • When it happened
    • Who gave you money
    • Why he/she gave you money
    • And explain how you used the money

Receiving money as a gift is always a great feeling, and I remember a time when I received money from my grandparents on my birthday. It was a few years back when I turned 18, and my grandparents gave me a generous amount of money as a gift.

They gave me the money because they wanted me to spend it on something that I really wanted, but couldn't afford to buy with my own money. At the time, I was saving up for a new laptop, as my old one was outdated and couldn't handle the software I needed for my studies.

So, I used the money that my grandparents gave me to buy a new laptop that I had my eyes on for quite some time. It was a great investment, as it helped me tremendously with my studies and work, and I still use it to this day.

I felt really grateful and happy to receive the money from my grandparents, as it allowed me to buy something that I really needed but couldn't afford at the time. It also made me realize how important it is to have a supportive and caring family who's always there to help you out when you need it.

That's all about the time when I received money as a gift.

I hope this answer helps!

Wednesday 29 March 2023

Describe a time when you saw a lot of plastic waste. You can say: where it was what it was like how much and what kind of plastic / pollution there and say how you felt about it

 Describe a time when you saw a lot of plastic waste. You can say:

    • where it was
    • what it was like
    • how much and what kind of plastic / pollution there
    • and say how you felt about it 

I remember a time when I went on a beach vacation with my family to a popular tourist spot. It was a beautiful beach with clear blue water and white sand, but as we walked along the shore, we started noticing an alarming amount of plastic waste scattered around. It was disheartening to see how much pollution had washed up on the beach.

There were plastic bottles, bags, straws, and other debris that had been left behind by visitors or had been brought in by the ocean. The worst part was seeing how some of the plastic waste had become entangled with the local marine life, such as the sea turtles and fish that we could see swimming near the shore.

It made me feel sad and frustrated that people were not being more responsible with their waste and were not taking care of the environment. It was especially disheartening to see such a beautiful natural resource being polluted in this way.

After that experience, I made a personal commitment to try and reduce my own plastic usage, and to encourage others to do the same. It was a wake-up call that we all have a responsibility to take care of our planet and to reduce our impact on the environment.

Tuesday 28 March 2023

Describe an interesting neighbor. You should say: who this person is how you know this person what he or she does and explain why you think this person is intelligent.

Describe an interesting neighbor. You should say:

    • who this person is
    • how you know this person
    • what he or she does
    • and explain why you think this person is intelligent.

I have an interesting neighbor named John. He lives in the house next to mine and we met shortly after I moved in. He is a retired engineer who has worked for some of the largest companies in the industry. I know him because we both share a passion for gardening.

John is always doing something new and interesting in his garden. He grows a variety of plants and vegetables that I've never even heard of before. He is always happy to share his knowledge and help me with my own garden. What impresses me most about him is his analytical mind. He approaches gardening like an engineer, always experimenting and tweaking his methods to get the best results. I've learned so much from him about plant nutrition, soil composition, and pest management.

Apart from gardening, John is also an avid reader and writer. He has published several articles in gardening magazines and even written a book about his experiences. He is always willing to engage in intellectual discussions and has a wealth of knowledge on various topics.

I believe John is an intelligent person because of his inquisitive mind and his ability to learn and apply new information. He is always seeking to understand the world around him and find new ways to solve problems. He is a true inspiration to me and I am lucky to have him as my neighbor.

Monday 27 March 2023

Describe an interesting place in your country that you would recommend to tourists. You can say: where it is what it is like what you can do there and why you would recommend it to tourists

 Describe an interesting place in your country that you would recommend to tourists. You can say:

    • where it is
    • what it is like
    • what you can do there
    • and why you would recommend it to tourists 

One of the most fascinating places in my country that I would definitely recommend to tourists is the Golden Temple, which is located in the city of Amritsar, in the state of Punjab. This iconic landmark is not only a spiritual hub for the Sikh community, but it also attracts visitors from all over the world who are captivated by its stunning architecture and serene surroundings.

The Golden Temple is a magnificent complex, featuring a sparkling golden dome, surrounded by a vast water tank, which is considered holy by Sikhs. The temple complex is designed in a way that symbolizes equality and unity, where people of all religions and backgrounds are welcome to visit and experience the unique culture and hospitality of the Sikh community.

Visitors can take a leisurely walk around the water tank, where they can observe the daily life of the temple and its visitors. They can also witness the captivating ceremony of the ‘Palki Sahib’, where the Holy Scripture of the Sikhs is carried from the main shrine to a smaller temple inside the complex every evening. The temple also serves a free vegetarian meal, or ‘Langar’, to all visitors, which is a unique and heartwarming experience.

I would highly recommend visiting the Golden Temple to anyone who is interested in history, culture, or spirituality. It's not only a breathtaking sight, but also a place where visitors can experience the warmth and hospitality of the Sikh community, and gain a better understanding of the rich cultural diversity of my country.

Sunday 26 March 2023

Describe an important thing you learned (not at school or college). You should say: what it was when you learn it how you learned it and explain why it was important.

 Describe an important thing you learned (not at school or college). You should say:

      • what it was
      • when you learn it
      • how you learned it
      • and explain why it was important.

One of the most important things I learned was about the value of time. I learned this lesson during my gap year when I was traveling around Southeast Asia. It was in Laos, specifically, where I met a group of locals who had a very different approach to time than I did.

I had always been someone who was very focused on schedules and deadlines, but the people I met in Laos had a much more relaxed attitude towards time. They didn't rush through things or worry too much about being on time for appointments. Instead, they enjoyed every moment as it came, without feeling the need to be in a hurry all the time.

At first, I found this very frustrating, as I was used to always being on the go. But as I spent more time with them, I started to realize that there was something important to be learned from their perspective. I began to appreciate the value of taking things slow and enjoying the present moment, instead of always looking to the future.

I learned this lesson through a combination of observing the people around me and reflecting on my own habits and attitudes. It was a gradual process that took place over the course of several weeks, but it was one of the most valuable things I took away from my gap year.

This lesson has been important to me because it has helped me to be more mindful and present in my daily life. I am now better able to appreciate the little things and enjoy the journey, rather than constantly focusing on the destination. It has made me a happier and more well-rounded person, and I am grateful for the experience.

Saturday 25 March 2023

Describe an outdoor activity you did in a new place. You can say: where it is what the activity was what the place is like and if you enjoyed it

 Describe an outdoor activity you did in a new place. You can say:

    • where it is
    • what the activity was
    • what the place is like
    • and if you enjoyed it 

Last summer, I had the opportunity to visit the beautiful city of Vancouver in Canada. During my stay, I went for a hike in the North Shore Mountains, which was a completely new experience for me.

The North Shore Mountains are located just outside Vancouver and offer stunning views of the city and the surrounding area. I went on a guided hike with a group of friends, which made the experience even more enjoyable.

The hike was quite challenging, as we had to climb steep hills and navigate through rocky terrain. However, the beautiful scenery made it all worthwhile. We saw crystal-clear lakes, snow-capped mountains, and dense forests teeming with wildlife.

I particularly enjoyed the fresh air and exercise that the hike provided. It was a great way to escape the hustle and bustle of the city and reconnect with nature. The guide was very knowledgeable and shared interesting facts about the area, which made the experience even more enriching.

Overall, I would say that the hike in the North Shore Mountains was an unforgettable experience. The stunning natural beauty of the area and the opportunity to challenge myself physically made it a truly enjoyable outdoor activity.

Talk about something healthy you enjoy doing. Please tell me: what you do where you do it who you do it with

 Talk about something healthy you enjoy doing. Please tell me:  what you do where you do it who you do it with.

Here's a possible 9-band IELTS speaking answer for the prompt "Talk about something healthy you enjoy doing":

I find that running in the morning is a great way to start my day and it's an activity that I really enjoy. I usually go for a run a few times a week, and I like to do it in the nearby park where there are plenty of trees and fresh air. I feel like it's a healthy way to get my heart pumping and my blood flowing.

I prefer to run alone because it gives me some quiet time to clear my mind and focus on my thoughts. However, occasionally I will run with a friend or a family member and we'll chat as we run, which is a nice way to catch up with them and get some exercise at the same time.

Overall, I think running is a great way to stay healthy both physically and mentally. It's an activity that I really enjoy and I always feel great after a good run.

Friday 24 March 2023

Talk about a friend who played an important role in your life. You should say: How you met this person How long have you know him/her What do you do or did together

  Talk about a friend who played an important role in your life. You should say:

    • How you met this person
    • How long have you know him/her
    • What do you do or did together

I'd like to talk about a friend who has played an important role in my life. Her name is Sarah and we met in college about six years ago. We were both taking the same class and had a lot of mutual friends, so it was easy to strike up a conversation and get to know each other.

Since then, we've been very close and have remained friends even after graduation. We both share a love for hiking and the outdoors, so we often go on hikes together on weekends. In fact, we've gone on several backpacking trips together and have explored many different parts of the country.

Sarah has been an important part of my life because she's always been there for me during difficult times. Whenever I'm feeling down or need someone to talk to, she's always there to listen and provide support. She's also been a great influence on me in terms of my fitness and health. I used to be a bit of a couch potato, but Sarah's love for the outdoors and staying active has rubbed off on me and inspired me to live a healthier lifestyle.

Overall, I'm really grateful to have Sarah as a friend and appreciate all the positive things she's brought into my life.

(Note: This answer is not an exact model answer and can vary based on personal experiences and preferences.)

I hope this helps!

Thursday 23 March 2023

Sample 2: Describe a special day out that cost you little money/did not cost you much. You should say: when the day was where you went how much you spend and explain how you feel about the day.

Describe a special day out that cost you little money/did not cost you much. You should say:

when the day was where you went how much you spend and explain how you feel about the day.

here is a sample answer for the given topic that would score a band 9 in the IELTS speaking test:

I would like to talk about a memorable day out that did not cost me much. It was a beautiful summer day last year, and I decided to take a walk to a nearby park that I had heard a lot about. The park was only a few miles away from my home, so I did not need to spend any money on transportation.

As I reached the park, I was amazed by its beauty. It was surrounded by lush green trees and had a beautiful lake in the center. I spent some time walking around the park and exploring its various attractions, including a small waterfall and a garden full of colorful flowers. I even sat by the lake for a while and enjoyed the peaceful surroundings.

The best part about the day was that I did not spend much money. I had packed a light lunch and a few snacks from home, which I enjoyed sitting by the lake. I also did not need to pay any entry fee to the park, which made the day even more special.

Overall, it was a wonderful experience, and I felt rejuvenated after spending a few hours in nature. I realized that it is not always necessary to spend a lot of money to have a good time, and sometimes the simplest things in life can bring the most joy.

Describe a special day out that cost you little money/did not cost you much. You should say: when the day was where you went how much you spend and explain how you feel about the day.

 Topic: Describe a special day out that cost you little money/did not cost you much. You should say:

    • when the day was
    • where you went
    • how much you spend
    • and explain how you feel about the day.

As someone who loves exploring new places and trying new things, I'm always on the lookout for affordable ways to have a good time. Fortunately, I recently had a special day out that didn't cost me much but was one of the most enjoyable days I've had in a long time. In this post, I'll describe that day and share my thoughts on why it was so memorable.

The day in question was a beautiful Sunday in late spring. The weather was warm and sunny, with a light breeze that made it a perfect day for being outdoors. I had been wanting to visit a nearby park for some time, but never found the time or motivation to do so. However, that day I woke up with a renewed sense of energy and decided that it was the perfect day for a visit to the park.

After a quick breakfast, I packed a light picnic lunch and made my way to the park. It was located just a few miles away from my house, so I decided to walk there to enjoy the beautiful weather and the scenic views along the way. The park was a sprawling green space with a large lake, plenty of walking trails, and several open spaces for picnicking and lounging.

I spent the entire day at the park, exploring its many trails and taking in the scenic beauty of the surroundings. I found a quiet spot by the lake where I could read my book and enjoy my picnic lunch, while watching the ducks and geese swimming in the water. I also took some time to chat with other visitors, who were all friendly and welcoming.

In terms of how much I spent, the cost was minimal. I had already packed my lunch, and there was no entry fee or parking fee for the park. All I spent on was a small amount on a bottle of water, which I purchased from a vending machine inside the park.

Overall, the day was one of the most memorable I've had in a long time. The beautiful weather, the scenic views, and the friendly people I met all contributed to making it a special day out. What I loved most about the day was the sense of freedom and relaxation it brought me. It was a day spent completely in nature, away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, and that feeling was truly priceless.

In conclusion, the special day out that I described was one that didn't cost me much but was filled with so many beautiful and meaningful experiences. It's a reminder that sometimes the most enjoyable things in life are the simplest and the most affordable.

IELTS Speaking Part 2

 Starting today, posting previous papers speaking cue cards in the blog can be a great way to help IELTS test-takers prepare for the exam. By providing access to past cue cards, learners can familiarize themselves with the types of questions that may be asked during their test. This can help reduce anxiety and increase confidence, which can ultimately lead to a better performance on the exam.

Furthermore, posting previous papers speaking cue cards in the blog can be a way to create a sense of community among learners. Those who are preparing for the IELTS exam can share tips and strategies for approaching the cue cards, which can enhance the learning experience for everyone.

Overall, posting previous papers speaking cue cards in the blog can be a valuable resource for those who are preparing for the IELTS exam, and can help them to feel more confident and prepared on test day.